SubComm’s New Research Assistant

Written by Amy Sexton

Hi, my name is Amy, and I am delighted to introduce myself as the research assistant for SubComm in this, my first blog for the project. I will be helping Tiina and Hannah out with driving this project forward, and I am excited to get to know everyone in the community!

Amy, SubComm’s Research Assistant

I heard about SubComm through Hannah, as she teaches my class on audio-visual translation at University College Cork. I am a part-time MA student in my second year, and I am very excited to combine my studies with building those all-important networks. I took an interest in AVT last year when my translation theory class got me thinking about how visible and vulnerable subtitles are – I was motivated by the challenge of making my own, given that I see them every day in films, on TV and in advertising.

As a participant at the 2022 Translating Europe Forum in Brussels, I realised how important it is to bring industry stakeholders, academics and professionals together. It is the best way for us to take control of the future of the profession!

What about my current research interests? Well, my working languages are Spanish and German, both of which I translate into English. At the moment I am working with EZTitles software on a project to subtitle a nature documentary from German into English using activist strategies – specifically those related to eco-centric translation theory.

Stay tuned on SubComm’s social media pages – you will be hearing more from me!

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