Welcome to the first recap of our subtitle chat events! For those who missed it (or those who want to refresh their memory), here is what we discussed:
Topic: What should people know about subtitling?
- That it is a cultural activity, not just a linguistic one (or not just replacing words in one language with words in another)
- The production process, that the subtitler is not the only person responsible for what shows up on screen, and some challenges may be due to how the process is run (e.g., different translators for different episodes of a program)
- Subtitling solutions are contextual, and there is more to consider than just the utterances e.g., situation, characterization
Plans for SubComm in 2023
We already had big plans for SubComm in 2023, but when the community came together in December, we came up with even more. Our biggest aim is to address the gap between academics and practitioners in terms of collaboration and engagement. We discussed putting together infographics in relation to rates and conditions. Lynne Bowker’s MT infographics were mentioned as a point of inspiration: https://slator.com/the-machine-translation-literacy-project-with-lynne-bowker/
We also discussed sharing association details, workshops as a tool to raise awareness among film students and directors, using AVT to teach language (starting young!) and raise awareness of how fun AVT can be (and how it can make language learning even more practical) and starting a LinkedIn Group as a discussion forum. If anyone has any additional links to publications on this topic, please feel free to post them in reply to this blog!
Links to research on audiovisual translation in the classroom:
- https://www.erudit.org/en/journals/meta/2021-v66-n2-meta06514/1083179ar/
- https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.4324/9781315717166-30/audiovisual-translation-language-teaching-learning-laura-incalcaterra-mcloughlin
- https://www.jatjournal.org/index.php/jat/article/view/57
Next Event
SubComm is a community for everyone, so people who are not members of associations can get involved, and it’s not affiliated with any individual project or organization. We discussed training for subtitlers as a possible theme for our next subtitle chat event. Stay tuned for details on that – we’ll be sharing more information next week!
Special mention to Adán Cassan from the chat: ‘Nice to see your human faces!’ We are looking forward to seeing you all again soon!